Anuj Agrawal has now been pursuing Masters in Computer Science from New Jersey Institute of Technology. His birth place is Nepal and he is an Engineer from Sikkim Manipal Institute Of Technology (SMIT). He has worked for HCL Technologies Ltd. Gurgaon, on RPGILE (AS/400) for around 18 months. Your ip is: and you are heartily welcomed.

Copyright Anuj Agrawal-2008

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Vocabulary ImprovementMust for all those who want to learn English words from tutors speaking in Hindi.Total 400 word in Audio format07/01/2007 7:55am (UTC)79 Clicks
Free engineering toolsHave not seen the site yet. But it provides free tools for all branches of Enginnering.11/10/2006 5:57am (UTC)99 Clicks
Faculty of management studiesHeard a lot about this FMS!! It says: The Faculty of Management Studies focuses on management education more than just business management. The commitment is thought leadership with a deep understanding of business. The approach to pedagogy combines fieldwork, case studies and instrumented feedback with a strong emphasis on concepts and theory. The intent is to encourage intellectual curiosity and open minds to the adventure of ideas. 10/29/2006 2:12am (UTC)106 Clicks
Free GRE downloadsIt's a really nice site to download files!! got to be registered first in only one step. Click here to register10/15/2006 3:52am (UTC)161 Clicks
IndianStudyCenterNever found a better site than this!! It lists all colleges if you are looking for one, along with entrance examinations10/15/2006 3:34am (UTC)203 Clicks
CAT PreparationA really good one10/15/2006 3:27am (UTC)241 Clicks
GMAT PreparationAnother free preparation site!! 10/15/2006 3:25am (UTC)360 Clicks
GRE PreparationTaking GRE ?? This is a must for all kinds of preparations...Including TOEFL, SAT, etc.10/15/2006 3:21am (UTC)139 Clicks




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Key to good vocabulary is a simple tool to enhance your vocabulary. Text Editor in Java is a tool using which you can modify or view your text file.
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