Anuj Agrawal has now been pursuing Masters in Computer Science from New Jersey Institute of Technology. His birth place is Nepal and he is an Engineer from Sikkim Manipal Institute Of Technology (SMIT). He has worked for HCL Technologies Ltd. Gurgaon, on RPGILE (AS/400) for around 18 months. Your ip is: and you are heartily welcomed.

Copyright Anuj Agrawal-2008

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YOUNG ENERGETIC SOCIETY is a youth movement that aims to unite all the youth of India and bring them under one banner Y.E.S. for the development and betterment of the nation. Let us all just give 1 min.of our time for the nation. Please please do check the webpage out..



Currenly, I am working on the following projects. To which there appears a link has been completed, and the code and setup is ready to download.

1) Animation of Elementary rounting Protocols(complete but yet ro upload)

2) Key to good vocabulary


3) Text Editor in Java


4) Projecting and Lan Monitoring Software(complete but yet to upload)

5) Intra Mailing System 


Papers or talks presented:

 * am currently looking for a competition where i can present my paper.......


As far as I remember:
* Awarded for being best in senior's group at Computer Science in G.D.Birla Memorial School, Ranikhet in STD 12.
* Was given the oppurtunity to be the president of the computer society of school in G.D.Birla Memorial Shool,Ranikhet in STD 12.
*Stood among the top 350 contestants  from all over India, and was hence called for interview by the Microsoft Co. through the prestigious code4bill contest.



AWARDS WON on softwares made:: Softdll 5-Stars Award SOFTDLL CLEAN! AWARD DownloadRage - Games and Free Software Downloads Awarded 5 stars by DownloadRage
Key to good vocabulary is a simple tool to enhance your vocabulary. Text Editor in Java is a tool using which you can modify or view your text file.
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My Greeting cards This is a nice page from where you can send greeting cards to anyone you wish
Click here to get the index of all the stuffs made by me. You can download them, view their source codes, modify them or message me to modify them.
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